How we use your information

This privacy notice provides information about the ways in which, operated by Limerick Autism Group, collects, stores, shares or keeps personal information provided by our customers.

Using our website:

Our website ( uses cookies. The purpose of the cookies is solely to assist this Office in redesigning our website to ensure we provide relevant information in an easily accessible format. Please see below for our Cookie Policy.

Search engine:

The search facility on our website is an internal search function and returns only information that appears on the website.

Emailing us:

Any emails sent to us and any messages received through our online contact form are recorded and forwarded to the relevant section. The sender’s email address will remain visible to all staff tasked with dealing with the query. Please be aware that it is the sender’s responsibility to ensure that the content of their emails is within the bounds of the law. Unsolicited material of a criminal nature will be reported to the relevant authorities and blocked.